index  3.11                                                                                                         © 2011 Work.Space Programming              © Hope Tappin  Tina, Bible Proverbs helps us know wisdom and instruction –  so, what’s the difference? =  one king tweet says proverbs give prudence to the simple –    Judy, what’s prudence mean? =  One king tweet – the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge –  Barb,  am I supposed to be scared of God? =  Proverbs helps give knowledge and                          discretion to the youth –                Tam, whats discretion?  1. A monitor is a window never      to be viewed without prayer.  2. Hurtful speech is like email that cannot be erased.  3. Computers, like hammers, are heartless tools to build or                          break at the hand                          of the user.                         4. Memory                           without tears       is heartless above all.  5. God-led wisdom knows the difference between evangelism and      administration      computing.  6. God-led speech       reaches farther       and deeper than webmail. Create your own computer proverbs. Have a contest with on-line friends and followers, while honoring God too ! Some answers here...   Tina tweets back:  Barb. Instruction is HOW to do something. Wisdom is WHEN, WHERE, and WHY to do it. Judy tweets back: Prudence means thinking first about what you do or say. Will it help or hurt the other person. Barb tweets back: No - we are not to be SCARED of God, but we are to honor Him by WANTING to do what He wants of us, especially because how much He loves us. Tam tweets back: I think discretion is something like prudence but also refers to my own CHOICE in what I do. Isn't it neat that all the proverbs (Bible tweets) involve the spirit and attitude of our tweets and how our tweets affect the spirit and attitudes of others, in the sight of God's Love.