1t12.31                                                                                                          © 2010 Work.Space Programming                                   EvangelismGold.com  (among others) “A Wise Man Tweets” has a double meaning. (1) A real-life wise man, in fact the wisest, King Solomon, wrote many tweets and God had them published in the Bible for you and I to learn from. He called his tweets, “PROVERBS”. (2) The second meaning is that a wise person like you and I must be sharing our faith and dependence on scripture by ‘feeding’ tweeting them to those around us. [Note] This resource is not meant in any way to ‘correct’ or ‘add to’ our authorized inspired God-given Bible. We made some of our own proverbs... ‘bet you can think of some good ones too... tweet them to friends... tweet timeless truths ! A proverb is a short comparative statement that summarizes one or more principles in scripture. As you search the scriptures, ask God to show you other computer proverbs you can excitedly tweet and discuss with others.  1. A monitor is a window never to be viewed without prayer.  2. Hurtful speech is like email that cannot be erased.  3. Computers like hammers are heartless tools to build or break at the hand of the user.  4. Memory without tears is heartless above all.  5. God-led wisdom knows the difference between evangelism and administration computing.  6. God-led speech reaches farther/deeper than webmail.   many more... Tweets to Try, based on King Solomon’s tweets in scripture: Proverbs chapter 1 These tweets are from the first 7 verses. They relate to the importance of the proverbs teaching how to be wise and safe from all the evil tricks of Satan. Tweet them to your friends. Get them tweeting about scripture. You might want to precede a portion to a friend with “What do you think this means?” (30ch)(means about 30 characters) =  one king tweet says proverbs give prudence to the simple – Judy, whats prudence mean =  proverbs helps know wisdom and instruction – Tina, whats the difference =  proverbs helps understand words of insight – whats that mean =  proverbs helps receive instruction in equity and other stuff – whats equity – money? =  Proverbs helps give knowledge and discretion to the youth – whats discretion =  One king tweet – the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge – Barb am I supposed to be scared of God =  I was reading first couple proverbs and saw wisdom and instruction twice – like two book ends – neat – give it a shot =  Judy you said you wanted guidance about that private decision, well look at proverbs chapter 1 verse 5 – wow wee