Getting / Growing Church Kids ona Zero Budget
00cka4 12-2014 © 2011-12-13-14 Work.Space Programming churchkids.org (and others)
@ gmail.com
Library Presentation (click here)
We are non-denominational, Bible
based zero budget, non-technical,
often computer flavored.
Computer skills & equipment
usually not needed.
Our library of 160+ free unique
downloads are friendly to all ages;
predominately youth.
Our Purposes:
This vast store of free resources serve just 4 purposes:
1. Show God’s Written Word to be as irreplaceable and timely in our technology
driven world today, as it was when written. (as promised in 2nd Timothy 3:16, 17)
2. Show fun, non-technical ways to use computer trash, and techniques to share
one’s faith and message, even by preschoolers, from backyards, basements, and
jungle clearings. (as commanded in Matthew 28:19, 20)
3. Show the terrible neglect of faith-based groups not using technology beyond
just administrative purposes. (Evidenced by youth leaving the church)
4. Accent the service of our silver-haired mentors as their potential is so
terribly under-used in this technology age. (as directed in Job 32:7)
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About Teens
Solo Efforts
Team Efforts
Bible Booklets
Bobby-pin Bibles
Duo-Search Puzzles
Search Puzzle Booklets
Tracts b/w & color
Bulletin Inserts